Charity Art Exhibition “Life is much better with a CAT in it”

Charity Art Exhibition “Life is much better with a CAT in it”

You can share your emotions with friends, but at the same time apply them for a good cause!

“Life is much better with a CAT in it” – such charity exhibition organized within the framework of CISC_Weekend took place in Roksolana Shopping Centre, Lviv. Lots of fun and creativity, interesting acquaintances and guests, positive emotions and joy of benefiting a good cause!

Main topic of the Art auction of children’s creative works from CISC_Weekend School – “Life is much better with a CAT in it” 😽 – cats in all shapes and forms. The age of our young artists – from 5 up to 12 years, and the works presented have no technical limitations. The works are made in pastel, collage and other techniques, and even conspersed with coloured sand etc.

The exhibition presents the works of CISC students as well as other cat lovers from all districts of Lviv. The exhibition is a charity event.

While preparing for the vent, the children realize that emotions can be both shared with friends but also turned to a good and noble cause.

You can watch the opening of Charity Art Exhibition “Life is much better with a CAT in it” in the following video:

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