Charity Art Exhibition “Life is much better with a CAT in it”
You can share your emotions with friends, but at the same time apply them for a good cause!
“Life is much better with a CAT in it” – such charity exhibition organized within the framework of CISC_Weekend took place in Roksolana Shopping Centre, Lviv. Lots of fun and creativity, interesting acquaintances and guests, positive emotions and joy of benefiting a good cause!
Main topic of the Art auction of children’s creative works from CISC_Weekend School – “Life is much better with a CAT in it” 😽 – cats in all shapes and forms. The age of our young artists – from 5 up to 12 years, and the works presented have no technical limitations. The works are made in pastel, collage and other techniques, and even conspersed with coloured sand etc.✌
The exhibition presents the works of CISC students as well as other cat lovers from all districts of Lviv. The exhibition is a charity event.
While preparing for the vent, the children realize that emotions can be both shared with friends but also turned to a good and noble cause.
You can watch the opening of Charity Art Exhibition “Life is much better with a CAT in it” in the following video: