About CISC
CISC Cinema Festival «Today is a good day» in Lviv

CISC Cinema Festival «Today is a good day» in Lviv

Once the Cannes Film Festival was over, CISC students organized their own, in Lviv!

It was a real «sold-out» event! The Cinema hall at Dovzhenko Center in Lviv was overcrowded – more than 700 guests came to enjoy the works of CISC students. The children presented 15 short movies in various genres. It was the largest cinema event in CISC history. The parents joined the organization of the festival and greately helped with creative ideas, stage requisites, locations and costumes.   

At «Today is a good day» festivals students from grades 0-9 demonstrated to the public their movies – fantasy, sitcom, horror, heroic, black-and-white, vintage and detective, retro-movies with Charlie Chaplin-style jokes and Frank Sinatra charm… The students started working on scenarios in September, and the shooting lasted for the whole second semester.

The acting, the setting and design, the operator’s work. the ideas – it was totally worth seeing!

Enjoy the movies😊

“City lights”, Charlie Chaplin, class 2.2


“Spring”, class 3.2


“Sweet crime”, class 4.2


You can watch all the movies from the festival at our channel on YouTube


Video report How it happened 

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