CISC_School that teaches you to think: let’s get acquainted

CISC_School that teaches you to think: let’s get acquainted

Nowadays, there are many private schools in Kyiv. And the parents get to know about such schools in different ways. And we decided to introduce ourselves this way – in alphabetical order that will tell you more about us and our students. Let’s get acquainted! We are CISC_School that teaches you to think!

 А – Academic competitions. We prepare our students for such competitions, and we’re very glad that they demonstrate top results.

B – Business studies and financial literacy. The children work on their individual projects in the sphere of business and social responsibility.

C – Camps. During the school breaks we organize theme camps for the students. Each camp is unique and exciting.

D – Different activities. The children are engaged into different types of activities combining intellectual and physical exercise, thus providing a child’s comprehensive development during the day.

– English language. CISC_School that teaches you to think is a school with advanced studies of English language, and we are proud of the level of knowledge our students have. It allows the children to communicate freely with the native speakers and to win in various academic competitions.

F – The food in our School canteen is tasty and healthy. Some of the children even say that it’s better than in restaurants. By the way, the children have two full meals – breakfast and lunch, and one mid-day snack.

G – Goal-orientation. Having determined the goal within the theme wave, the students move forward to creation of their own projects.

H – Health. We provide a healthy and comfortable climate in the classrooms, in accordance with the highest hygiene and healthcare standards.

I – Individual approach. We determine the needs and special features of every child, and form the classes in accordance with the psychologist’s advice, that’s why every child feels comfortable within the group.

J – Joy and happiness. Our students are full of it, and that’s why there are numerous individual projects created and demonstrated to the parents by our inspired students.

K – Knowledge. The level of education in CISC allows the children to obtain knowledge necessary for enrollment into educational institutions in Europe and all over the world.

L – Lviv. This is another city with CISC school. We’d be glad to meet you there!

M – Media. Our School has its own media resources. One of them is the school newspaper, which all the willing may help create.

N – Navigation. Creative space contributes to a creative future. We adhere to this principle even in design of the school premises. Doors, walls and ceilings – everything is used for creative navigation; the children enjoy such curiosities.

O – Opportunities. There are many ways to join our community. We are also glad to see our students on Saturdays at CISC_Weekend. Exciting adventures and new friends await, and, of course, the new applicable knowledge in various fields.

P – Positive  atmosphere. Our students are happy to go to school every day, since there is a positive and harmonious atmosphere for both their education and leisure, and the tutors are friends who help the children master the new knowledge and reveal their talents.

Q – Quarrels. They never happen in our school. The educational process is organized in classes with 18 students supervised by a tutor-psychologist, that’s why the atmosphere in the groups is friendly and favourable.

R – Robotechnics. Beside the robotechnics studies, we organize our own contests and academic competitions where the children can demonstrate their projects.

– Safety. The School has a separate closed-off area, with a pass entry systems where all visitors must show the permits or sign in.

T – Teachers. Even the teachers from other schools can study in CISC. We organize special workshops for teachers in order to improve the education in each and every school through implementation of modern teaching methods at Educational centre for teachers Insight.

U – There are no tasks unsolvable for our students. We are most confident – whatever they encounter in the future, they will always find the right solution.

V – Variety of questions about anything and everything, stimulating creative and critical thinking. And we try to find the answers together, through interaction and experiments.

W – Wave immersions. In junior school we apply theme “waves” for comprehensive learning of a certain topic.

X – Хylophone. We have various musical instruments (yes, even xylophones) at our ArtSong classes. This is one of unique and authentic educational courses in CISC, together with ArtDrama, Financial literacy, Creative Workshop, IT-Lab and “Philosophy, Art and Architecture” courses taught in our School.

– Youth. Teenagers of 12-16 years of age may join our Teenage club, where we discuss the most challenging and useful matters, learn to interact and debate.

Z – Zero-Indifference. We take care of each other, show tolerance and mutual respect in our relations with everyone around.

If you would like to learn more about us, we’ll be glad to answer any of your questions.

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