About CISC
First graduation in CISC_Kyiv

First graduation in CISC_Kyiv

Ride the wave, dare to dream and live up to your dreams – that’s what we wished today to our grown-up 9-graders at the FIRST GRADUATION Ceremony in CISC_Kyiv! This month, the children have successfully passed all the exams and received official Certificates of basic secondary education.

We are so happy, dear CISC students, that you tread so firmly, openly and sincerely into your adult life. During the school years, you have learned to work diligently, to believe in yourselves and to take interest in the world around you. And now you know that education is an exciting life-long journey.
We wish our “best surfers”, “Hawaiians” and “sea navigators” a nice summer and await for them this autumn in CISC.

The festive “Аloha party” passed quickly, but remained in the memories of all its participants.


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