About CISC
Approaches to learning

Approaches to learning

APPROACHES TO LEARNING at CISC, which contribute to the formation of a comprehensively developed, self-confident, mature personality

Wave diving

At CISC, we use thematic waves to comprehend the topic and streamlining the learning process. This allows you to diversify the types and forms of student activities, adhering to the chosen topic. Each wave lasts a month, and during this time, all subjects are connected by one cross-cutting theme: ‘’I am Designer’’, ‘’I am Volunteer’’, ‘’I am Entrepreneur’’, ‘’Ecology’’ and so on.

Holistic perception of the world

During the wave, we pay attention to the theme of the month in classes in various disciplines. This approach demonstrates how one phenomenon or industry is considered by different sciences and allows students to form a more holistic perception of the world. All sciences and phenomena are interconnected.

Implementation of project tasks

Regular change of topics makes it possible to diversify learning, maintain students’ interest, and set exciting practical tasks. During the wave, children prepare, implement and defend topical thematic projects, such as sewing pillows for animals during the ‘’I am a Volunteer’’ wave or create a mural on the school wall the theme of the ‘’I am a Designer’’ wave, etc.

Meet leading experts in various fields

For an in-depth acquaintance of students with the wave’s topic, we invite specialists, scientists, and practitioners with special training and lectures on trends and current projects on topical issues. Students understand the relationship of the material studied at school with real projects and practical activities during lessons.

In-depth knowledge

Regularly, the School holds scientific clubs in various subjects, which are chosen by each child according to their wishes and preferences. Students conduct their research on a particular object or scientific phenomenon from different points of view during in-depth classes, use other sciences methods, analyze the results, and formulate their conclusions. CISC also hosts interschool tournaments and competitions in various disciplines.

Scientific curiosity

With the help of the science club format, children learn to ask questions, look for answers, make hypotheses, and collect data to confirm or refute their assumptions. This supports the child’s interest, desire to explore the world around him.

In most cases, research technologies are used to implement projects. After completing the projects, each group defends its project.

Development of abilities

Participation in scientific clubs allows you to try your hand in different sciences to understand what interests and reveals the child’s potential. In-depth classes develop skills of research, finding solutions, teamwork, perseverance in achieving results.


We use creative, non-standard learning conditions and methods that captivate students, emotionally involve them in the learning process, and maintain an interest in learning. After all, for the development of a child’s creative thinking, it is essential not to learn, but how exactly the learning process takes place, what types of activities the student masters, and what skills are formed.

Non-standard environment

CISC is entirely different from the standard post-Soviet school. Comfortable structure, modern interior, variety of colors, and creative environment influence an optimistic worldview and lay the child’s free development foundation.

Changes in activities

In our school, the learning process is based on the constant change of types and forms of activity, which contributes to the formation of adaptive skills and the most diverse development of abilities.

Variety of formats

The use of working groups, mini-trainings, creative projects, master classes during the educational process allows you to fantasize, create, find non-standard solutions, try on different roles and artistic images, and reveal your creative potential.

Individual approach

We follow an individual approach to each child to understand his personal needs, abilities, the rhythm of learning, and their wishes. We need to be in constant dialogue with children and parents to consider the basic needs of knowledge: the practical mastering of the school program and individual abilities development.

Learning effectiveness

We expand children’s knowledge, consider their daily rhythm, involve all development areas, and combine methods of presenting the material to be interested in learning. The child’s development’s trajectory consists of the teacher’s adaptation of the basic material by the pace of assimilation of each child.

The development of creative and critical thinking allows the child to explore this world with interest and joy, experiment, invent and create new projects, and harmoniously develop their potential. Active sports breaks to ensure the child’s proper physical development and make full use of your energy, rather than suppress it, sitting still from call to call. Such activity changes allow children to concentrate and learn the classroom material to spend their day in a balanced way better.

Development of individual abilities

During training, our teachers carefully observe students and study personal preferences, desires, abilities. To develop in time and unleash the potential, teachers advise the child to participate in certain in-depth classes. These select individual tasks correspond to the pace of learning and interest of the child.


We are open to new methods and technologies to make the learning process more exciting and effective. This approach allows teachers to continually develop and grow professionally, acquire new knowledge and skills, and not stop past methods. For students, the use of new methods and technologies creates the ability to adapt and additional curiosity.

Practical innovations

The application of CISC innovations begins directly in the classroom, where students and teachers use interactive whiteboards that make it easier and better to learn new knowledge.

Microsoft Showcase School

In 2016, CISC was officially included in the most innovative schools globally in the world -Microsoft Showcase School. The list of Showcase Schools nominates institutions that actively use mobile and cloud technologies, develop a culture of systemic change, and promote innovative thinking.

Development of STEM education

Since September 2015, CISC is a full member of the Ukrainian coalition of STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The STEM Coalition has seven key tasks: preparation of recommendations to the Ministry of Education and Science on STEM-cycle discipline programs; implementation of programs for the introduction of innovative teaching methods in educational institutions; conducting competitions, Olympiads for self-realization; creation of information platforms; career guidance; development of international cooperation. Other companies in the Coalition include Kyivstar, Syngenta, United Minerals Group, Microsoft Ukraine, Intel, Samsung, and others.


In the School’s lessons, we pay a lot of attention to inventive, open problems. The main principles of TRVZ (the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving): conflict resolution; system approach (ability to see the world around in the relationship of all its elements); the ability to find the reserve needed in this situation helps to develop students’ necessary modern competencies:

– creative imagination;

– logical thinking;

– ingenuity;

-ability to analyze the problem;

-teaches to resolve contradictions.

Integrated classes

In CISC, we use integrated classes, during which we combine material from different disciplines: science + chemistry, mathematics + physics, mathematics + foreign language, etc. The integration of related school subjects teaches students a comprehensive understanding of the world around them.

In addition to integrated lessons in secondary school, science teachers conduct integrated classes with primary school teachers.

Holistic perception

A clear distinction between scientific disciplines exists only in the theoretical dimension. Therefore, in CISC, we introduce integrated classes that allow the child to go beyond one-sided perception and form a holistic view of the world.

Adaptability and flexibility of thinking

By combining different disciplines during the learning period, we encourage the child to think about specific questions and seek answers from different angles, using the tools of other sciences. This approach helps develop a child’s flexible thinking, adaptability, and ability to study the same phenomenon from different angles.

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