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Artifact hunt and scientific bee-keeping at CISC_Weekend

Artifact hunt and scientific bee-keeping at CISC_Weekend

This Saturday, CISC students made some new and exciting discoveries. They were scientists, experts, robotechnicians, writers, artists and entrepreneurs. What have they explored and created?

Weekend School in Kyiv

This Saturday CISC students in Kyiv studied the popular museums of the world and hunted for the artifacts.

🟣 Within transfiguration “I am an Entrepreneur” they created some unusual museum exhibits and then traded them at an auction.
🟣 At transfiguration course “I am a Writer” they created their own book. And then went to “The Museum of creative ideas for a writer-to-be” and learned the ways for creative people to gain their inspiration!
🟣 During transfiguration “I am an Artist” the children worked on the project “The Museum that does not exist”.

🟣 At the robotechnics course they created the non-piloted automobiles for “The Museum of the most unbelievable devices”.

Thanks to the rich programme of CISC_Weekend, the students learned everything and even more about the Museums. They even had time for eidetics and communication in English with native speaker, Bridget.

CISC photo report. CISC_Weekend_Kyiv

Weekend School in Lviv

In Lviv, the CISC students did some bee-keeping at scientific level – deciphered the bee puzzles and cryptographed messages, constructed the bees of the future, searched for the answer to the questions “What would happen if bees disappeared from the Earth?”, explored the density of honey and its place among other liquids. They even made some eco-soap from honey, made the research of the popular honey soap brands to learn which soap is good and which is not worth buying.

The children got a glimpse of the future at the robotechnics lessons, worked on their communication and team-building skills, learned the critical thinking, explored the structure of a volcano and visited the “Music Lab”.

CISC photo report. CISC_Weekend_Lviv

It’s only in CISC that you can leran so much in just one day. Join our weekend adventures! The studies are conducted in the form of integrated courses once per week (during the whole day). Learn more about CISC_Weekend.

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