About CISC
Results of Cambridge Examination

Results of Cambridge Examination

This year, CISC_Lviv within the framework of its partnership with the Certified Examination Center of Cambridge University UA 011 of University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate (UCLES)  prepared the students for the International English language Examinations Сambridge ESOL.

Cambridge Examinations are a series of tests divided into different levels in accordance with the general European recommendations for language education.

Preparation for the tests was conducted by the teachers of CISC Foreign language department. The tests were conducted by the certified representatives of the Examination Center. The results were sent to the Cambridge  University for check up. And in a month we received the evaluated test results via email from the Cambridge University Department.

All the children who agreed to pass the examinations worked diligently and passed!

The tests were passed at the following levels:

Starters – 6 students
Movers – 6 KET – 12 PET – 8 students
Two ninth-graders passed РЕТ with excellence and top results. We are proud!

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