About CISC
Students of vocational guidance faculties defending their projects, obtained Diplomas and Certificates

Students of vocational guidance faculties defending their projects, obtained Diplomas and Certificates

Students of IT, Entrepreneurship, Media faculties defended the projects they’ve been working on during the year. They obtained Certificates and Diplomas. Our warmest congratulations!

Throughout this year we had numerous exciting classes, a tour over the most modern professions, and we had an opportunity to try ourselves in different spheres. We worked on business ideas, developed idea-building skills, developed the algorithm for launching own business and studied it step-by-step,  mastered  basic graphic design and project work. At the Media faculty we studied work on camera, video editing, new-making, video shoots, script writing. As well as many other professional adventures.

We are proud of you, and would like to thank our partners for the unforgettable year, exciting new acquaintances and the professionalism! To be continued!

Vocational guidance is one of the main priorities in CISC high school, and it’s included into the curriculum. That is, professional immersions are obligatory for all 10-11 grade students. If the students fulfill all the requirements of the program, they obtain respective certificates.   

The School engages the best practicing experts for collaboration within the faculties in order to provide the maximum modern practical vocational guidance opportunities for the senior students in our network.

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