Successful adaptation within a new group

Successful adaptation within a new group

New school, new class and new group – it always imposes a small stress on a child. The mentality is forced to turn on its defense mechanism against future challenges.

A child’s adaptation to a new group requires an intensive mobilization of all resources.

First of all – you have an impression to make.

Secondly – you must find out the rules of this new group.

How to prepare for the acquaintance with the new classmates?

Psychologists claim that a period from three weeks up to three month might be necessary for the full adaptation. Most certainly, the children in the new group will watch the newcomer closely and arrange some «tests» to find out whether he or she can be trusted or become a friend.

You can start practicing the presentation skills at home.

How to pass the adaptation period?

You can’t find common ground with each and everyone, and the newcomers are also often treated with suspicion.

Here are a few tips to make the adaptation process easier:

Main tricks for a successful adaptation:  good mood, inter-personal and analytical skills  .

Iryna Lagoda, top-rank psychologist, Head of the CISC_Kyiv psychological service


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