About CISC
How CISC-Team is spending this autumn vacation

How CISC-Team is spending this autumn vacation

🍂 The best autumn vacation ever!

The whole CISC-Team is getting ready to give you a good development boost in the upcoming semester. 🚀

✅ We analyzed communicational habits;
✅ We brought up the topic of non-forcible communication;
✅ We discussed some practical methods of forming a positive climate within a group and the methods of conflict avoidance;
✅ Learned some useful lifehacks for emotional unburdening;
We worked on development of non-verbal communication;
✅ Determined the main competences and described the steps necessary for their realization;
✅ We drew a picture of a productive and happy teacher;
✅ And we definitely couldn’t go without modeling of plans, so we constructed a dream school from… newspapers.
And, of course, we worked on team values.

In other words, we were getting ready for the new flights.

We thank our talented speakers for the great workshops.

😍Autumn, you are so magical, and we have cosmic plans for you.

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