
Grades 1-4

We charge with dreaminess and confidence

Enrollment for 2022-23 school years will begin after the finish of martial law.
Kyiv, КМДШ Осокорки
Kyiv, 13G, Holosiivska street
Enrollment for 2022-23 school years will begin after the finish of martial law.
Kyiv, КМДШ Осокорки
Kyiv, 13G, Holosiivska street
Apply now
Innovative education
Integration of modern technologies into learning
Research activities and practical experience
Monthly consolidation of the received knowledge in the form of «wave diving projects»
Рroject and interdisciplinary training

How we teach :

We use modern approaches

Thanks to the method of "wave diving" we form a holistic perception of the world, where all sciences and phenomena are connected
We help the student to gain practical experience through experiments in research studios and project clubs, a course on financial literacy.
Work in teams, learn to defend their point of view and make independent decisions.
Tutors’ support

Individual work with each child

- conversations with the tutor
- we accompany the development of each child and give advice

Group classes

- course «I am a personality»
- planning goals for the week and analysis of performance at the end of the week
- school events for the child's socialization

of students confirmed a high level of language proficiency.

According to the results of testing by the Educational Agency of Kyiv.
Main foreign language:
From the 3rd grade students choose an additional foreign language:
Unique development courses


basics of programming

Kaleidoscope of Sciences

development of cognitive activity

I am a personality

science to understand themselves

Art Drama

basics of acting

Financial literacy




Balanced daily routine
Three meals a day
Activities during breaks
Training courses
icon programming
icon art
icon acting
icon scientific clubs
icon financial literacy
icon creative workshop
High-quality professional and educational experience creates a synergy in partnership.
Together with the Educational Centre for Entrepreneurs Startup Ukraine, we launched the “StartUp” faculty for the students of 10-11 grades in CISC_Holosiivo.
Starting from the 2020 school year, CISC has commenced the cooperation with MBA Kids International, School of entrepreneurship and leadership for children and teenagers.
In cooperation with Media & Production High School 1+1 media, we have launched the program of specialized media education within the “Communication and Media” faculty in CISC_Holosiivo.
Our colleagues from Ampli, education accelerator for teenagers, are teaching classes for CISC students in Holosiivo, “IT” faculty, and implementing the personal development program Soft Skills Lab. Studies at the “IT” faculty will help the children define and choose their future in the IT sphere through full immersion into it.
CISC has implemented the course of “Art, Music and Philosophy”, unique within Ukraine, developed for us by the “Cultural Project” educational institution.
A British Council representative office is located within the territory of CISC_Osokorky, where you can join the English language studies.
Together with the JuniorZ volunteer movement, we have introduced the new modern types of sports into our curriculum.
Wirhin the framework of this partnership, the films focused on social issues will be integrated into the formational curriculum, which will allow the students to analyze and discuss the modern social challenges the world is facing.
CISC in Lviv obtained the official status as the Center for preparation for the Cambridge exams, Cambridge English Qualifications (FCE, PET, KET, Young Learners: Starters, Movers, Flyers).

The status of Cambridge ESOL Exam Preparation Centet confirms that CICS adheres to the world standards in teaching English language and preparing for international exams.
A new course Public Speaking TED-style was launched in cooperation with TEDxLviv at the Communication Faculty in CISC Lviv.
Faculty of Entrepreneurship was established in Lviv in collaboration with analytical and resource organization “Ейдос”, whose key priority is working with youth. “Ейдос” center developed unique methodological tools facilitating young people’s participation in developing entrepreneurship and implementation of projects.
Спільно з Dual Diploma другий рік маємо тристоронній проєкт з Arizona State University.
Generation прагне зробити перехід молоді у доросле життя більш усвідомленим та впевненим. Їх методологія профорієнтації пройшла випробування часом та викликами – пандемією, локдаунами, повномасштабною війною та блекаутами. За чотири роки роботи вони навчили сотні підлітків робити обдуманий вибір, незалежно від складних обставин.
What parents think

Лариса Гарсіа

мама Мирослави, 11 років, Київ
До вибору школи я підійшла дуже відповідально, орієнтувалася на те, де моїй доньці буде комфортно емоційно. Де зможуть її вчити слухати себе, поважати її особистість, допоможуть усвідомити, що вона живе в соціумі і не будуть створювати для неї занадто ідеальні тепличні умови. Так, комфорт і зовнішній вигляд школи, туалетів, їдальні теж грали важливу роль, але не вирішальну.

Я розглядала лише приватні школи. Ми йшли в перший клас, моя дочка не вміла читати, писати і це теж був мій свідомий вибір: я вирішила, що вчитися цьому вона буде тільки в першому класі. Я займалася її фізичним і емоційним розвитком.
Перед тим як потрапити в КМДШ, я відвідала 5 шкіл різних цінових категорії.

Прийшли ми до КМДШ саме в рік її відкриття, коли все тільки починалося. І ми залишилися тут. І ось чому: це єдина школа, де на співбесідуі не загострювали увагу лише на академічних знаннях, а звертали увагу на те, яка перед ними особистість, цікавилися емоціями дитини, її внутрішнім станом. По-друге, мені дуже сподобалося як мислять і в чому вбачають свою місію директорка і власники школи.

З КМДШ ми вже 6 років, адже школа відкрита до спілкування, вони змінюються і удосконалюються, не ховаються від проблем, а вирішують їх - чесно, відверто і ефективно. Тому що їх бурхливий розвиток не віддалив їх від реальності та землі. Навпаки, вони все уважніше прислуховуються, спілкуються і моніторять кожен процес. Школа дуже космополітична, тут вчать поважати свободу і кордони одночасно. Для мене дуже важливо, щоб зворотній зв'язок була ефективним, щоб вчителі, ментори, тютори і керівництво були відкриті до спілкування.

Школа не ідеальна, але я таку й не шукаю. Життя не ідеальне, і моїй доньці потрібно навчиться жити і бути щасливою в не ідеально світі. Але школа дає їй почуття впевненості в тому, що вона може, у неї вийде, вчить не боятися пробувати. Школа дає їй здорову атмосферу, де конфлікти вирішуються з повагою і по-дорослому. І, мабуть, найважливіше - школа поважає свої принципи і сприяє тому, щоб їх поважали усі – батьки, учні, команда. Це дуже важливий елемент!
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Popovych Iryna

mother of Maria, 9 years old, Kyiv
The advantages of CISC include:
-a small number of children in the class;
- "teacher-child" dialogue;
-that there is a class teacher and tutor (two specialists at the same time);
-projects and their protection every month;
-excursions on excursions;
-interesting additional lessons.
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Dordienko Julia

mother of Melania, 8 years old, Kyiv
Mother: “CISC teaches studying with interest; we have inspired feedback from friends, the school feels the spirit of freedom. Here are the European learning conditions.”
Melania: “It’s interesting to study here, there are a tutor and a “class mom” more attention is paid to everyone, there are exciting projects and a beautiful library.”
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Karpenko Lilia

mother of Yaroslav, 9 years old, Kyiv
While studying schools in Kyiv, I found information about CISC. And for more than a year, I dreamed that my child would come to you. I registered to participate in the spring camp and realized that my dreams are coming true. Five days flew by as one. The child was satisfied with everything! My son said that they are engaged in incredible teachers, masters of their craft! Every day is not like another. Experiments, master classes — everything is very unusual and new! Glad to have spent these 5 days with you!
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Anna Prokhorova

mother of Illia, 9 years old, Kyiv
“Muuum, I want to go to school!” The weekend ends and begins every Monday morning.
“You just don’t understand; this is the best school in the world!” Before CISC, the son studied at a Montessori school, and then at a secondary school. The change of place of the study had to be planned due to the child’s constant complaints about unwillingness to go to school and abdominal pain, which turned out to be a reaction to the educational school process. Whether you go to school or not is a student’s personal choice. This sometimes causes some discomfort, because we, the parents, would like the child to study well, pay more attention to the learning process itself and gain relevant knowledge. Sometimes it seems that if you force your son to do it, as it was in a regular school, it will be more useful. However, I understand that today the inner state of our child, his desire to go to school, looseness in self-expression, which did not exist before, the development of soft skills, which he gets here for his age, is a priority for us! We wish CISC to develop further, improve, and become a professional platform for changes in the country’s educational process!
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Your children are safe
Closed school area
24/7 security
Tutors’ Care
Охорона та відеоспостереження
What children and parents say

How to enroll in school


Fill in and send
the application for admission

Our manager will contact you within two working days

Pass the test/interview

For 1st grade — an interview.
For grades 2-11 — testing in mathematics, Ukrainian, and English.

Meet with the school administration

During the meeting, your family will talk to a school representative.

Sign the agreement and submit the documents

As soon as you are notified of a positive decision, sign the agreement and provide the documents.

Our schools in Kyiv

вул. Жилянська, 38
View on the map

1 км від метро

13G, Holosiivska street
View on the map Virtual walk

1 km from metro

14L, Dnieper embankment street
View on the map Virtual walk

1 km from metro

Take a virtual tour around the school
Take a walk
Or arrange a real tour with the manager
Arrange a tour
Have any questions?


for admission to CISC
Enrollment for 2022-23 school years will begin after the finish of martial law.
The school you want to send your child to *
Information about the child
Name *
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Date of birth *
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Desired year of entry *
Class *
Information about parents
Name of mom or dad *
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E-mail *
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Phone number *
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By continuing, you agree to the processing, accumulation, storage, and use of personal information provided following the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection.” The content of your rights as a subject of personal data following the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" is known and understood.
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